Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Ten Commandments to be
Hey guys, I assume you all have heard the news eh? (:
Yes yes, we've got a Bronze.
We did a fantastic job at SYF anyway.
To the prettyfaces who are now cheering with us, God bless you!
To the fartfaces who are now jeering at us, God bless you anyway.
Ok, this is probably going to be one of the final times I would be posting here so brace yourselves.
First and foremost, I would love to thank and fully express my gratitude to everybody, those involved in SYF and those who were not, beloved teachers, and Mr Beng whom we hold so near and dear to our hearts for he has moulded us into what we are today. I'll elaborate more on this later. I strongly feel, without your support and understanding, we would not have been able to go out and represent the school today.
Three cheers for Drama (:
Ok now. All my years in Drama, I think most of us has seen each other growing closer to one another, one performance after the other. Individual competition has never been an issue with each other, bare in mind, that, is what made us the most loved and blessed club in this entire world. Maybe in the whole defination of life and existence too.
The ability to love and support each other is what mades us special. Not crash and and compete with one another over silly material things like casting roles and leadership positions. That is well, just silly. Isn't it?
Drama is never ever in this world about competition, and if I have failed to educate you guys on that, I have failed as a leader.
This is why I hope to see that same love and bondage that we all fostered with one another when I come back to see the club in the future. Remember, Love is what makes this club tick. I'm sure many of you who have been in this club for a long time has came to that sudden realisation (:
Don't be complacent.
In my nearly four years in this club, as well as my fellow friends who has been through the ups and downs with me in Drama from the very first day. I believe you guys can agree with me that its the bondage each individual had with one another was what made us stay, despite the various obstacles the school threw at us.
We've gone through thick and thin with one another, and to my most loved juniors, I hope you guys will come to understand how important these obstacles are to mould each individual into a stronger person so we can all come together to create and utmost beautiful, picture. Drama was a place where I could genuinely be myself although 'Drama' itself is dubbed for playing the role of another person/character.
Don't tear each other down, build each other up and assure me you will reap nothing but good and strong benefits. Don't judge.
Don't divide, multiply.
Like what Mr Beng had told us two years ago, and even two years later. We go out there to tell a story, not win an award. That's the whole concept of Theatre in my perception; telling a story in the best way we can. When we have conveyed the message and meaning of that very story with our utmost best effort.
We are all indeed winners.
I hope you guys don't take my words as some air talk to make you guys feel better.
Well, it isn't, suck on that (:
Being a perfectionist, something can never be perfect in my eyes, it can only exceed my expectations. Well, now you guys' know a little bit more about my character (; This is probably why I don't praise often.
Well anyway, Mr Beng says that Art is something that cannot be judged as it is subjective. Just like there is no good or bad question, there is no good of bad performance. Just bear that in mind my lovelies. What truly matters is the learning experience and not the award we get.
And no, I'm still not saying these words just for the sake of comfort. Some time this week and maybe the end of the last, Chinghui, Jaslyn and I have came to that very realisation, that... It's really the learning process that reaps all the good things in this world, the award, is just a bonus!
So don't be too disappointed yah? Juniors, work harder for SYF 2011.
Theatrical Drama is not about stardom, it's about telling a story, this thought I hope it gets drilled into your little brains.Haha, anyway, I've been doing some thinking ever since I've stepped up to lead you guys, and through my experiences, and even though I may have stumbled from time to time.
Just want to let you guys know. I don't love my position, I love you guys, Drama, the HIHS Drama Club. And I hope in time to come, you people will love it as much as I had.
Afterall, joining the Drama Club is a decision I had never once doubted or regretted in my life.
My journey with you guys are ending here soon.
All the best for the future, my most beloved ones.
( 5:12 PM )
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Food for thought
Hey guys.
Here's a little homework for you people before the exams start eh? (;
It's pretty simple.
What will you defend?Give your answer in the Comment Tab below (Haloscan)
I'm expecting loads of answers (:
Especially the different ones.
I'd like to see different opinions and reasons ok?
You can have the silly responses too.But have the ones that come from your heart k? (:Variety, is brilliant!
Vivienne (:
( 9:04 PM )
Sunday, April 12, 2009
so you guys must be wondering what the results are right?:]
sadly,we'll get to know it 2 weeks later:[
but here comes the next big thing.
and i meant
BIG!:Dwe will be putting up a performance on friday the 17:Don international friendship day:DWHOOS.ok practices dates:upcoming monday and tuesday.time:2.30pm:Dattire:half uniform?,yeaoh yeas!secondary 1 pupils with LCE on monday and malay lesson on tuesday,on monday,report straight away after school,then vivienne will dismiss you for for tuesday,i think further instructions? yea;]for upper secondary students with afternoon lessons.leave by 3pm. :]while.thats all folks:D./donovan:]
( 6:27 PM )