Sunday, January 4, 2009
Next session
Hey guys!
Vivienne here.
Just wanna let you guys know, you all did a great job during the orientation. It's a mighty effort you guys put in (: I want to apologise though for the major rush, which eventually added on to a lot of messiness and near zero organisation and some of you guys weren't informed in the process, we are now currently working on a new and improved phone link system so no one gets left out.
Ok some house management issues.
Drama will resume next week on Friday, same time, same place, same rules apply. It's an important session because all the final Admin matters will be taken care of, like your attendance in the club, Drama Tee orders, tonnes of Admin. And a very important part...
(I think they won't be coming so soon, perhaps next week?)
I look forward to seeing you guys on Friday! (:
Edited 6th January 2008
( 10:24 PM )